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Improved Precision for K9 Sports



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A 30 Day Body Awareness Program to:

Sharper Focus

Sharpen your dog's mental focus and acuity.

Improved Precision

Improve your dog's ability to place their body exactly where intended with improved precision and accuracy.

Stronger Connections

Help your dog connect the mind and body, while also connecting to you.

Looking to improve your dog's precision?

Thinking your canine athlete needs better focus in her next performance?
Hoping to connect your dog's mind and body, while connecting to you too? 

This 30 day online program will help you do just that!

Your next 30 days are filled with specifically chosen exercises, easily understood physiology, and training assistance all geared to improving your dog's precision and mental focus through body awareness exercises. Take body awareness to the next level with this program!

 In this targeted program you will:

  • Learn 17 carefully selected body awareness exercises, designed to increasingly challenge your dog's proprioception, progressing from beginner to advanced.
  • Master focus drills to include in your pre-performance warm-ups to sharpen your dog's mental game.
  • Understand the science and physiology of body awareness so we can efficiently increase the accuracy of our performance dogs.
  • Discover 6 different ways to use a proprioceptive ladder.
  • Receive step-by-step instructions on building the perfect  ladder to challenge your dog's proprioception (Hint: it's not the same for every dog!)
  • Find one method to progressing your dog to independent lateral movement.
  • AND get practical tips on how to train the exercises so your dog can improve quickly!
Join now.

"I am enjoying the programme a lot.... It's a great range of exercises, ... and I can see the differences as we go forward. "

Sara Rosenblatt

"This course has been amazing. I hope you are planning on having a separate course for each level and category on the pyramid... It has particularly helped me understand the level of proprioception in my younger Border Collie. Especially important for me to know as he learns the contact obstaclesā€¦"

Rene W. and Tweed

"I LOVED the course. I like the way you presented the material with clear explanations and pictures/videos. Your pictures of the dog with the line graphic showing the flat top line, head position, etc. were nicely done."

Terri Schmidt and Gromit and Belle

 30 Lessons in 30 Days! 

Included in this targeted program:

  • 17 progressive body awareness exercises- each with a Video Tutorial and written instructions, showing proper form for the best results.
  • Unlimited instructor access, plus 2 video reviews for individual help for your dog
  • Practical tips on how to train the exercises so your dog can improve quickly!
  • What you need to know on what body awareness is- and what it isn't.
  • Access to the program for a full 365 days so you can visit and revisit lessons.
Join now!

Receive Expert Guidance Every Step of the Way!

The program was developed by veterinarian Dr. Sonnet Jarvis, who focuses exclusively on sports medicine and physical rehabilitation in her rehab clinic, along with Michelle Fromm, CCFT and lifetime dog sports trainer and enthusiast:

  • developed from working with athletes, both, in their sport, and in the rehab clinic for over 10 years.
  • Both are Certified Canine Fitness Trainers through the University of Tennessee, which Dr. Sonnet helped design and teach to canine coaches.
  • real life training advice from years of practical experience.
Join now!


Your most frequently asked questions answered here.

What equipment will I need for this 30 Day Program?

  • This program uses simple equipment - items you can find around your home or readily make inexpensively: a platform for your dog to stand on, a proprioceptive ladder, and two smaller platforms/boxes. A detailed list with exact dimensions and instructions for your dog's proprioceptive ladder, will be emailed to you upon enrolling. 

My dog is a beginner/more advanced with body awareness. Is this program appropriate?

  • Yes! This program is appropriate for dogs at all levels! Beginner or advanced, you and your dog will learn something new as the exercises progress in difficulty. This program is low-impact and appropriate for puppies 6 months and older and will also keep older and senior dogs engaged mentally and physically too! 

How do I access the lessons in the program?

  • When you enroll you will need to create an account with us, if you don't already have one. You will receive an email every other day with a brief summary and link to your lessons for that day and the next. Click the link and login to your account to begin the lesson.

Can I get a refund if I can't finish the program in 30 days?

  • Enrollment fees are nonrefundable, but you will have access to the program content and instructors for a full 12 months.

Do you offer support?

  • In addition to the two video reviews in the program, you may comment or ask questions in any of the lessons. You may also contact us by emailing [email protected] anytime for assistance. And, if you are a subscriber of our K9 Fitness Ultimate program, you will enjoy continuous online support and video reviews. We are here to help!

If I upgrade to a subscription and find it's not for me, how do I cancel?

  • For more information about our subscription program, K9 Fitness Ultimate, please learn more here

How long is registration open? 

  • Registration is open all year long but the benefits of improved focus, precision and body awareness only begin once you start the program. Join today to start right away!