$29.95 USD

Terms and Conditions

K9 Krossfit, LLC dba K9 Fitness Solutions, and its affiliates, subsidiaries, and parent companies (collectively “K9FS”) are pleased to provide you access to and use of K9FS’s websites, content, and services that we may provide. Although K9FS provides its content and services with your animal’s safety in mind, it is critical that you consult your animal’s veterinarian before starting any of K9FS’s exercise programs. Your use of any of K9FS’s websites, content, or services is acknowledgement of the following:

Acknowledgement. I acknowledge and represent that my veterinarian has cleared my pet to begin a K9FS exercise program. I understand and acknowledge that my animal’s condition may change during a K9FS exercise program and certain exercises may make my animal’s physical condition worse. I understand it is my responsibility to seek veterinary care if my animal’s condition changes during any K9FS exercise program.

Furthermore, I understand and acknowledge that K9FS is not providing veterinary medical advice. I understand and acknowledge that K9FS does not treat or cure any condition. I understand that any information I provide for obtaining access to the K9FS exercise program does not constitute a doctor-client-patient relationship. I understand and acknowledge that K9FS’s exercise program is not a substitute or replacement for my veterinarian’s care of my pet.

Limitation on Use. In the event that I am in a jurisdiction where K9FS’s exercise program constitutes the practice of veterinary medicine, I will not use the K9FS exercise service.

Assumption of Risk. There is a certain amount of risk associated with any type of exercise program. I acknowledge that the K9FS exercise programs are specifically designed for dogs; the exercise programs are not for human use. I explicitly assume all risks associated with the use of the K9FS exercise program. Furthermore, I acknowledge that there are no guarantees of results with any K9FS exercise program and that K9FS makes no warranty about the K9FS exercise program or services.

Waiver. I agree to hold harmless K9FS for, and waive, any claim, loss, or liability that may arise due to my use of any K9FS exercise program.

Add our Total Body Strength Workout 2 for an even stronger dog!


  • 6 strengthening exercises, each with a video tutorial showing proper form.
  • Training tips for achieving the proper form.
  • Comprehensive, downloadable PDF Ebook.
  • 6 months of course access!

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The Total Body Strength Workout 1


  • 6 strengthening exercises, encompassing a full body workout, each with a video tutorial showing proper form.
  • Training tips for achieving the proper form.
  • Comprehensive, downloadable PDF Ebook.
  • 6 months of course access!