Our First K9 Fitness Class (and it’s free!)

Uncategorized Sep 09, 2016

In my years of working with dogs and, especially in practicing the physical medicine of rehabilitation, I have categorized certain movements in K9 fitness as essential building blocks. These are specific movements that seem to be closely linked to effective use of one’s body and a certain minimal amount of proprioception, or body awareness for your dog. These movements, which at K9 Fitness Solutions, we call essential elements, are foundational movements. They are the baseline for controlled, balanced and efficient movement which permits improvement and gives a basis to build upon.

The foundational movements that I consider essential elements are stand to tucked sit, step back stand from a tucked sit, stand to folding sphinx down and sphinx down to stand. Additionally, I find that front feet targeting and walking backwards are especially useful movements for your dog to learn to execute properly.

Each movement mentioned above, while seemingly easy at first glance, should be done in a very specific manner. These movements should be practiced until your dog can do them easily and gracefully. The essential elements, when perfected, demonstrate that your dog knows how to engage its body and use it effectively, on your cue.

On your cue. This brings me to one more “essential element.” The other “essential element” necessary is communication between you and your dog. This essential element is not a true movement at all (although I do like to consider communicating with dogs as a dance) but it is a vital part of your dog being able to use its body effectively, engage muscles, and increase fitness. Without the connection with your dog, you and your dog will find the essential elements challenging.

To see if you and your dog have mastered the essential elements, I invite you to sign up for K9 Fitness Solutions’s free Essential Elements class. In this class, you will have the opportunity to review these foundational movements and the specific manner in which your dog should do them, learn proper form, and learn common mistakes to avoid, all while reinforcing and enhancing your communication skills with your dog!

To sign up for this class follow the link below or go to our home page at 



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