The Fast Start Fitness program was created to help dog owners squeeze canine fitness into their busy lives.
This program provides a broad based, general fitness program that any healthy dog can begin by simply following the step by step exercises. Previously this program was only available to those who had purchased a K9 Fitness Solutions membership subscription, but now it is available to anyone.
The program begins with teaching your dog common fitness movements. From there, the program moves into the foundation of the K9 Fitness Pyramid:
Most importantly, strength training - the single most critical aspect of any fitness training program - is included. With specific strengthening exercises, it provides a solid approach to using body weight resistance for strength training in your dog.
This program is divided into 2 phases, each 6 weeks long. The first phase focuses on mastering the Essential Elements and creating the broad foundation in canine fitness. The second phase increases the intensity and brings on more strength training while still adding new exercises from the foundation level of the K9 Fitness Pyramid.
Each week there are 3-4 exercises to teach your dog. A training protocol is provided with recommendations for repetitions.
A total of 41 exercises are covered in the program, some using similar movements, but all exercises have a video tutorial to demonstrate appropriate form. Also included are downloadable PDFs to use as a quick reference to the key components of the exercise.
Since this program covers the entire foundation of the K9 Fitness Pyramid a variety of equipment is needed but substitutions can be made. The equipment includes:
Unlimited video reviews for one-on-one coaching are included in the program and you are strongly encouraged to submit videos frequently. Video coaching provides a critical review of your dog's form to ensure the proper muscles are being engaged as desired. The bio-mechanics of your dog's movement will be evaluated. We can also provide training tips if you are having trouble teaching an exercise.
This program, as with all programs by K9 Fitness Solutions, covers all learning styles, following the philosophy of watch, read, do- watch the video, read the description and form points, then do the exercise with your dog. Submit the video and let the instructor's keen eyes guide you.
Additionally, the program includes a full year of access to all its contents and both instructors. Ask as many questions as you like! Need help training your dog to do an exercise, just ask!
And the really nice thing about this program is that it can be done simultaneously with other sport training or classes your dog may be taking. That means it can coincide with your scent work class, your agility practice, or your dock diving participation. Whatever your dog's favorite activity, this fitness program fits into it!
With a simple training schedule of 3-4 exercises at 3 x week, this broad program won't bog you down with unnecessary details, information overload or even flashy exercises that are hard to do and potentially dangerous to your dog. The program is well suited to jump starting your dog's fitness quickly and efficiently.
To sign up for this course or learn more click here.
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